Hermits United Hermits United
Hermits United

Jean Levi

Sinologist and translator of Chinese classics

Since being awarded the Prix du premier roman, the Prix Goncourt du roman historique, the Prix Alfred-Née of the Académie française and the Prix Grinzane-Cavour for Le Grand empereur et ses automates (Albin Michel, 1985), Jean Levi has published a remarkable body of work on ancient China, from Propos intempestifs sur le Tchouang-tseu (Allia, 2003) to La Chine est un cheval et l’Univers une idée (Maurice Nadeau, 2010). In 2023, his impassioned essay Les Assassins de Confucius was published by Hermits United in French, English and Chinese. The peerless sinologist is a first-class translator of Han Fei, Sun Tzu, Shang Yang, Zhuangzi, Laozi, Lie Zi, Wenzi, Heguanzi and, of course, Confucius.

Photo of Jean Levi