Hermits United Hermits United
Hermits United

Liyine Levi-Wong

Essayist and translator

Liyine Levi-Wong studied in Hong Kong and Paris, and has published critical studies on the Zhuangzi and on Redology, amongst other subjects. She is an essayist in the Chinese language, and in 1997 co-translated with Angélique Levi a novel by Wang Shuo into French, Je suis ton papa (Flammarion). She has translated works by Jean Levi into Chinese, notably Les Assassins de Confucius (Hermits United) and Propos intempestifs sur le Tchouang-tseu (forthcoming). She has subtitled in French many Chinese films of the 1940s, 50s and 60s.

Photo of Liyine Levi-Wong